Ins and Outs of influenza!


The respiratory system, including the lungs, throat, and nose, are all caused by this illness brought on by a viral infection. In some people, it can heal by itself, but in others, it can cause death due to complications. Uncomplicated influenza is defined as fever, runny nose, and headache.

Its virus is transmitted through the air, which comes when someone coughs, sneezes or talks. The infected air can be sent to other people through the air, shared items, and then transferred to the hands, eyes, nose, or mouth. Symptoms of influenza virus infection can be felt immediately or delayed up to 10 days after infection. Children and people with weak immune systems can easily catch the influenza virus.


Here are some factors that can increase the risk of being caused by the influenza virus:

  • Age
  • Environmental conditions
  • Weak immune system
  • Have a history of chronic disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity/overweight

Flu is a disease that is easily transmitted to other people, especially in the first 3-4 days after the patient is infected. In some cases, flu sufferers can transmit the disease before symptoms appear.

Causes and Symptoms

Individuals can catch the flu if they accidentally inhale saliva splashes in the air, which sufferers release when they sneeze or cough. In addition, touching your mouth or nose after holding an object splashed with the patient’s saliva can also transmit the flu virus.

Flu symptoms include fever, runny nose, stuffy nose, and headache. Although the symptoms are the same as the usual cold cough symptoms, flu symptoms are more severe and often strike suddenly.

Immediately see a doctor if the above symptoms do not improve after two weeks or improve but then get worse. Emergency action must be taken if flu symptoms accompany shortness of breath or loss of consciousness.

Treatment and Prevention

Getting lots of rest, eating healthy foods containing vitamin C, and drinking lots can overcome mild colds. However, if the symptoms are severe, immediately check with your doctor so that you are given medication to speed up recovery and prevent complications.

The most potent way to prevent the flu is to get an influenza vaccination. In addition, you are also advised to wash your hands diligently and not to be close to someone with the flu.


Flu that heals and then recurs and gets worse can be a sign of serious complications, such as pneumonia, heart problems, meningitis, or a viral infection of the brain. These complications can be more at risk for pregnant women and individuals with less immune systems.