Cannabis oil and itsSide Effects


What is Cannabis?

Cannabis belongs to Cannabinaceae family. It is also called as Ganja, Hemp, marijuana, reefer. The dried leaves and secretions of the plant can be eaten or smoked. Its fiber is used in textile manufacturing. It contains achemical called THC, which can cause most of thepsychoactive effects. Cannabis oil is a sticky and thick substance extracted from the cannabis plant. To get cannabis oil resins from cannabis flower are to be separated with some solvent extraction process. Cannabin flower, resin and oil are three cannabis products that form Cannabis oil. Cannabis oil has many health benefits. One can undergo any of the cannabis oil side effectsif consumed it in larger doses.

Cannabis oil side effect

Effects of Cannabis Oil

The effects caused by the cannabis oil vary from person to person. It will depend on the dose they are consuming, the method they are taking in. Its effects will also change depending on how long that person is using this oil and any other medication they are taking parallel. Some common effects of cannabis oil are:-

  • Change in the state of consciousness of user. The user may feel more euphoric, happy and relaxed.
  • The user may feel more sensitive to the environment around him.
  • User’s pulse rate may increase,thepupil may get dilated and may have more appetite.
  • The user may lose his concentration and coordination in many activities like car driving, operating machinery. So better they avoid car driving and working on machinery if they are under its effect.
  • Alcohol must be avoided while consuming cannabis as it may increase drowsiness and dizziness and can even impair judgment.
  • Cannabis must be avoided by pregnant women as it may increase the risk of having defects for newborn

Uses of Cannabis oil

Cannabis oil has many health advantages. Some of them are:-

  • Controlling nausea and vomiting
  • May fight cancer
  • Treating Seizures and Epilepsy
  • Reducing menstrual cramps
  • Improves hair and skin
  • Improves brain health
  • Improves immunity system
  • Helps in clearing Acne

Negative side effects

The user may experience even negative side effects like becoming panic, anxious and more of paranoid thoughts if they consume more cannabis oil. They may even sedate it. Large doses may fluctuate their emotions, thoughts and they may experience hallucinations. Cannabis oil side effect can cause drowsiness and dizziness.Cannabis oil can affect user within few minutes of its consumption and may last for two to three hours.

Bottom Line

Cannabis oil has many health and beauty advantages including fighting cancer and HIV/Aids.  But it should not be consumed with alcohol or other drugs related to blood pressure or liver. If cannabis is being consumed in higher doses it may affect liver and heart. One may have to consult a doctor in case of overdose or any other symptoms like fatigue, paranoid, lack of concentration or coordination.