Anxiety- A Common problem of present era


Human beings are a complex creature in the world as they are difficult to understand not at mental level but at internal structure also. Human beings have many complex body parts; the brain is one of them. It is beyond the complexity. When we are stressed, the brain starts abnormal functioning even if any problem occurs which directly affect the brain, it starts abnormal functioning. Symptoms of abnormality occur in different forms. The most common known form of abnormality is an anxiety disorder. It is allied with the feelings of fear and worry. Anxiety has many forms such as PSTD, OCD, different phobias etc.

The anxiety and its forms are treated with the different medicines. These medicines include different tranquilizers aligned with some SSRIs. Tranquilizers include benzodiazepines etc.

Symptoms of anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety are different in different persons. Most common symptoms are as follows

  • Being panic
  • Feelings of fear and nervousness
  • Problem in sleeping
  • Aggressiveness
  • Increase in heartbeat rate.
  • Feeling nausea
  • Heart palpitations

CBD as anxiety treatment:

CBD is abundantly found in cannabis. It cools down the mind and proved to be the best treatment for anxiety. It does not produce effects like tetrahydrocannabinol i.e. mind-altering effects, etc. CBD prevent from the further anxious feelings.  It is a proven agent for anxiety treatment. CBD is a non-psychoactive.

Information regarding CBD:

The question is that how we get information regarding CBD and its effects. cbd century is the best source which provides you all information related to the CBD.

Characteristics of CBD

CBD has many characteristics first of all that it decreases anxiety through cooling the mind and saves from further anxiety problems. It has following characteristics.

  • It is an anti-inflammatory
  • It is an antioxidant at the same time.
  • It is a proved neuro-protectant
  • It is an anxiolytic
  • It is a proven anti-depression medication.
  • It is analgesic
  • It prevents from tremors
  • It is anti-psychotic.

CBD is used in the oil form by the patients. The persons who are suffering from chronic conditions use medical cannabis oils which is take out from the different high varieties of CBD.