Warming Winter Beverages That Fit Into Your Weight Loss Programme


When you think of warm drinks that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside you probably picture creamy hot chocolates and specialty coffees crammed with sugar. Sure, they are lovely but will linger on your hips much longer than that warm feeling will. Here are some ways to enjoy warm beverages while you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Tea: The King of Diet Friendly Winter Warmers

When it comes to hot drinks that are virtually without calories, tea is your best friend. Leading the march of healthy warm drinks is tea as long as you drink it without milk and sugar, though a bit of low-fat milk will not tip the scales. As any weight loss specialist will tell you, a cup of tea is the best option for a warming drink without having a negative effect on your healthy eating plan.

Hot Lemon Water‒this has been known to assist weight loss! When consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning it promotes weight loss and the feeling of satiety. Simply boil water with a few slices of lemon and drink while still warm. It’s really that easy.

Rooibos Tea ‒ a well-loved favourite among South Africans and tea aficionados. Rooibos has also been known to aid weight loss, improve blood pressure and circulation. It is delicious black with lemon or with just a splash of milk. It’s caffeine-free too!

Green Tea ‒ with widely known health benefits green tea is a great beverage to adopt this winter. It is an active ingredient in many weight loss products and has been proven to increase your physical performance and fat burning power.


Have Your Hot Chocolate and Drink it Too

This doesn’t have to be packed with sugar and cream to be delicious. For a weight loss friendly hot chocolate simply mix cocoa powder with hot low-fat milk and some sweetener if you would like. This is enough to give any chocolate lover their fix.

Golden Milk ‒ Good and Good for You

Golden milk harnesses both the health benefits and the beautiful colour from turmeric. The active ingredient in turmeric that is so good for you is curcumin. It has been used for centuries in Asian culture to treat colds, prevent cancer and reduce inflammation.

Simply mix fat free milk with a teaspoon of turmeric, as well as ginger, cinnamon and pepper to taste. This spice blend is sure to warm you up and still get the green light from weight loss specialists.

For more products and advice straight from weight loss specialists trained to help you lead a healthy lifestyle make use of Slender Wonder for a weight loss programme that really works. Keep warm and shedding the kilos this winter.